WindMaster 4.2.0 beta

by Ulf Ekstedt 10. November 2008 00:00
WindMaster 4.2.0 beta that has functionality as WindMaster 3.16.8. This version is not fully tested an is not recommended for flight use.



WindMaster 3.16.8

by Ulf Ekstedt 10. November 2008 00:00
WindMaster 3.16.8 with the following features and error corrections
  • Syntax check for callsigns wherever they are used. This syntax check is according to the international uses of callsigns within radio communications. A valid callsign must only contain of 2-8 characters-Z) or digits(0-9). An additional hyphen with one or two digits can be added to the callsign
  • For Vista: All files that are generated by WindMaster are stored under the directory My documents\WindMaster data
  • New larger WindMaster 3 logotype (72x72) including the number "3"



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