by Ulf Ekstedt
19. August 2013 15:02
WindMaster 4.16.8 with the following features and bug fixes compared to 4.16.7
- Zoom In/out in Altitude chart with mouse wheel or touch screen
- Replacing ":" and "[]" with "." when combining Them/sender
- Showing device status for received team/senders in Internet tracking
- Fixing fault when not showing tool tip text in device status panel
- Fixing run-time error when plotting windgraph received over tracking
- Fixing run-time error when not using Grmn port
by Ulf Ekstedt
15. August 2013 16:20
WindMaster 4.16.7 with the following features and bug fixes compared to 4.16.6
- Fixing installation problems on 4.16.6
- Fixing run-time error with "clsPresSymb"
by Ulf Ekstedt
11. August 2013 21:30
WindMaster 4.16.6 with the following features and bug fixes compared to 4.16.4
- The Map window is fully adapted for Windows 8 touch screen with both panning and two-finger zoom in/out
- Change step in scroll wheel and multi touch screen. Each two step change the scale a factor of 2
- Enable short input of coordinates with 10 digits as "12345-12345" or "12345 12345" in the Single Waypoint dialog box. The last digit is the meter digit.
- Logging received Internet messages
- Better validating numeric values in forms
- Correcting run-time error when closing Single Waypoint dialog box with "OK" without any data
by Ulf Ekstedt
6. August 2013 19:37
WindMaster 4.16.4 with the following features compared to 4.16.3
- Drag of map is now possible with mouse or screen touch.
- Click on map is now double click
- Reducing prediction error thresholds for sending track positions to track server:
- Horizontal: 10 => 5 m
- Vertical: 20 => 10 m