by Ulf Ekstedt
29. July 2010 19:36
WindMaster 4.9.2 with the following features and error corrections:
- Correction run-time error when region directory has been removed when WindMaster is running
- Menu Item "Show maps' coverage" is now only a single check item
- Margin of some maps are shown in white instead of black
- Fixing run-time error related to not detecting or removing checksum in NMEA messages
- Cross-distances are now always given as "R" (right), "L" (left) and "Straight on" instead of positive or negative signs
- Correcting fault when reseting waypoint shortcuts
- Fixing dead-lock problem of USB GPS when packets with faulty lengths are sent from, GPS
- Remember setting of "Show as GND altitude"
by Ulf Ekstedt
13. July 2010 07:37
WindMaster 4.9.1 with the following features and error corrections:
- A demo of the Keyboard form. It shall be used as help and as Tablet input. It is accessed with the space-bar key or with the menu item in the menu bar. Note that it have a propsal of new key assignment that is not connected to the standard WindMaster
- Fixing run-time error when coding sending waypoint positions to some NMEA GPSes
- Correcting fault with rotating symbols in map window
- Correcting 180 deg when roll is 0 deg for Pibal reader
- Fixing run-time error when validating empty CallSigns
- Correcting run-time error in tablet tool bar
- Fixing problem with not reseting winds above or below