by Ulf Ekstedt
13. July 2010 07:37
WindMaster 4.9.1 with the following features and error corrections:
- A demo of the Keyboard form. It shall be used as help and as Tablet input. It is accessed with the space-bar key or with the menu item in the menu bar. Note that it have a propsal of new key assignment that is not connected to the standard WindMaster
- Fixing run-time error when coding sending waypoint positions to some NMEA GPSes
- Correcting fault with rotating symbols in map window
- Correcting 180 deg when roll is 0 deg for Pibal reader
- Fixing run-time error when validating empty CallSigns
- Correcting run-time error in tablet tool bar
- Fixing problem with not reseting winds above or below
by Ulf Ekstedt
14. June 2010 23:34
WindMaster 4.8.2 with the following features and error corrections:
- "Map walk through" also works for maps made with tiles
- "Map walk through" only shows a medium scale instead of maximum and minimum
- Name of Tile maps is displayed
- First outline of Quick help (found in help menu)
- Dem map uses ground level in middle of displayed area when no balloon position exists
- Target sub-window has now color for highlighting drop time and cross-distance
- Several performance improvements
by Ulf Ekstedt
30. May 2010 22:25
WindMaster 4.8.1 with the following features and error corrections:
- Correcting fault faulty coverage points for maps that are defined in other coordinate system as displayed
- Ctrl+f7 (Map walk through) now works
by Ulf Ekstedt
27. May 2010 21:25
WindMaster 4.8.0 with the following features and error corrections:
- Maximum range for closest waypoint changed from 10 to 50 pixels. This is useful when you adjusting position of waypoint with mouse
- It is possible to edit waypoints in regions by right-clicking on the region in "Select region dialoge box"
- Only deg 360 is kept as direction unit
- Correcting fault with too big PZ in altitude chart
- Correcting Pibal reader fault with offset of 180 deg
- Correcting fault of not updating windgraph direction manually with mouse
- Copies all attributes except lat/long when creating waypoints with ctrl+mouse-left-click
- Fixing run-time when no location is available in license file
- XML encoding on all files changed to UTF-8
- Changed default balloon
- Correcting fault of logging balloon symbol and not balloon type
- Send logging events from USB driver to user instead of rising run-time error
- Fixing delete in waypoint dialog window
- Unit for "Default Ground Altitude" changed to "Elevation" Fixing run-time error when loading option menu
by Ulf Ekstedt
13. May 2010 07:36
WindMaster 4.7.6 with the following error corrections:
- Key C in Map window works
- Offset in mouse pointer in Select Symbol dialoge window corrected
- Error when entering position with 8 digits as waypoint name corrected
- Reference to WindMaster 3 maps is no longer created as region
- Correcting fault in not sending positions over Kenwood radios
- CallSignTranslation window changed. Data is now stored in a data grid and balloon symbols are shown
- Correct reading of Winds files for all types of regional settings
by Ulf Ekstedt
10. May 2010 20:45
WindMaster 4.7.4 with the following features and error corrections:
- Use one level higher magnifications of Aerial and Road Maps as well as labels
- Correcting run-time error after marker drop
- Enabling HUD grid-line in cockpit view in 3D window
- Shared "WindMaster data" works now in Windows XP
- Upgrading of old grid component from Pibal window that could case problems in Windows 7
by Ulf Ekstedt
3. May 2010 22:39
WindMaster 4.7.3 with the following features and error corrections:
- Support for waypoint type ANO (Air Navigation Obstacles). These are shown on the normal map and 3D map
- Add menu item for clearing cache 3D terrain segments
- Regions are selected from a tree-view dialog window instead from menu. You can here see the content, select/deselect several regions and delete regions.
- Waypoints from region are showed in the Map Pop-up menu. The are marked with a ® sign and can not be edited
- Logging of some run-time errors instead of raising run-time errors
- Correcting format of pibal flying time in main window
- Correcting faults found in user logfile concerning overflow in graphs
- Several improvements of stability in 3D window
- 3D models are shown for power lines and ANO in 3D map. These models are found in the package WindMaster Add-On, Models 3D 1.0.msi
- Gathering all 3D related actions within one menu group
- Some corrections in driver for Warren-Knight theodolite
by Ulf Ekstedt
7. April 2010 19:40
WindMaster 4.7.1 with the following features and error corrections:
- Support for Warren-Knight theodolite
- Improved stability in 3D window
- Several types of maps could be used as terrain in 3D windows
- Better Sky background in 3D window and 3D balloon viewer window
- Fast loading of 3D window since model of the terrain is stored as 3D models
by Ulf Ekstedt
15. March 2010 18:55
WindMaster 4.6.10 with the following features and error corrections:
- 3D graphics works
- Updated 3D library with removal of unused files
- Added checks for installed "Balloon 3D models" before opening 3D windows
- Possible to selected or deselect all regions in th Region menu
- Message box of where to place "WindMaster data" directory introduced. It can either be under "My Documents" or under "Public"
- MessageBox for creation of new waypoint file removed
by Ulf Ekstedt
8. March 2010 22:56
WindMaster 4.6.9 with the following features and error corrections:
- Correcting run-time error during marker drop
- System time is no longer set by GPS since it require administrative privilege in Windows Vista and 7
- SRTM maps 1x1 deg files can have any resolution (1, 3, 30 arc minutes)