by Ulf Ekstedt
4. September 2010 10:06
WindMaster 4.10.0 with the following features and error corrections:
- Introduction of an aggregated wind graph that is a weighted average of the wind graphs from all balloons. This weight is denoted by the graph accuracy as well as the distance from your own balloon. Your own balloon may also be included in aggregated wind graph. The control of the display is done under the menu item "Wind"/"Show wind graph"
- First version of SMS sending of position messages from balloon. This function requires that a mobile phone/modem is built-in or connected to your PC via cable or Bluetooth. Displaying of mobile status and confirmation of sent SMSes are will be added in upcoming versions of WindMaster. The function is configured the following way:
- Set the Com port in the options folder for mobile phone to the same as you are using for wireless Internet. (you can find it in the property for the wireless "Internet Connection"
- Enter the receiving phone numbers as sending parameters under folder "Communication". Several Phone numbers and must then be separated by commas
- Activate sending with menu item "Communication"/"SMS sending". You can also send SMS with "Communications"/"Radio Chat" (Shift+F9)
- Fastest path is set to "fly-in path" by default. This is controlled under menu item "Wind"/"Show fastest path"
- Min scale for creating waypoint by clicking on map is changed from 1:10 000 to 1:1 000
- Default value for "Min Scale For Fit" is changed from 1:10 000 to 1:2 500
- Keyboard function for map scaling is changed. Only the numeric row is used without shift. The scale is logarithmic from 1:1 000 to 1:10 000 000 in steps of 1, 2.5 & 5
- "`": 1:1 000 (Other character for non-US keyboard)
- "1": 1:2 500
- "2": 1:5 000
- "3": 1:10 000
- "4": 1:25 000
- "5": 1:50 000
- "6": 1:100 000
- "7": 1:250 000
- "8": 1:500 000
- "9": 1:1 000 000
- "0": 1:2 500 000
- "-": 1:5 000 000 (Other character for non-US keyboard)
- "=": 1:10 000 000 (Other character for non-US keyboard)
- Numeric shortcuts 0-9 are introduced. These are assigned and retrieved in the same way as the letter shortcuts with Shift+Ctrl+[shortcut] and Shift+[shortcut]
- The display of Escort track is default on in Balloon and Escort mode. The display can be turned off with the toggle function on key "B" or under menu item "2D map"/"Tracks"
- It is now possible to switch off the main track under menu item "2D map"/"Tracks"
- Tracks remains after restart of WindMaster
- Faster redrawing of tracks
- Support for "Australian Map Grid 1966" (AMG66) zone 50-56
- Correcting error in scales after resize of Altitude chart
- Fixing run-time error in "GetLastDigi"
- Default position button in Tablet control window now works
- Stricter use of terms in menus and windows
- "Car" => "Vehicle"
- "Photo" => "Aerial"
- "Target" => "Tgt"
- "Next target" => "Nxt"
- Tablet PC window is always at the top
- Splitter width in main wiidow is changed from 1 to 3 pixels for enabling easier mouse resizing of the different areas
- All CallSigns are always converted to upper cases
- Improved layout of Time/altitude Window. Resizing works too
by Ulf Ekstedt
17. August 2010 21:29
WindMaster 4.9.7 with the following features and error corrections:
- Marker drop icon added to menu items
- Correcting run-time when upgrading from upgrading from WindMaster 3 with some settings
- Solving Dead-lock problem when a Kenwood TM-D710 is configured but not connected
- Only unlock when several objects are active during changing of map scale
by Ulf Ekstedt
14. August 2010 07:20
WindMaster 4.9.6 with the following error corrections:
- Correcting run-time error when starting up in other default track modes than balloon
- Correcting run-time error when setting track mode
by Ulf Ekstedt
12. August 2010 21:25
WindMaster 4.9.5 with the following error corrections:
- Correcting run-time error when fault APRS header is received
- Fixing some faulty results with "Fastest Fly over path"
- Enable XML-comments in all XML files
- Correcting error of not saving Regions waypoints after editing
- It is possible to create a waypoint list in Region
- Correction problem with missing values on may columns i Waypoint window
- Correcting fault when decoding national characters in some track files
- Solves run-time error when no DEM exists
- Fix problem with error when showing fastest-fly-over path ( Remove fastest fly-over chart from Altitude chart)
- Correcting fault when not unlook all when scale is changed
- Save location and size of all windows
- Correcting faulty Windows size in some windows
- Assign key "W" to "Show Dem map"
- Fix run-time error when no region directory exists during first start
- Fix Run-time error when several sub-windows are open
- Correcting run-time error when no serial port at all exists
by Ulf Ekstedt
8. August 2010 21:35
WindMaster 4.9.4 with the following features and error corrections:
- Faster loading of labels. Conversion to new format will be done as a background process
- High Contrast (Key R). Makes it easier to read the screen at light location
- Support for 32bit ARBG BMP and Tiff files
- Correcting run-time error when clicking on panel
by Ulf Ekstedt
4. August 2010 12:00
WindMaster 4.9.3 with the following features and error corrections:
- Better Tablet PC and Help support. All commands are now available in menu and in a Keyboard window. A command can from now be executed in the following ways:
- Pressing a key on keyboard
- Menus (Not map scale) with mouse clicking or key navigation(Alt+Enter)
- Keyboard Window (open with Space-key or clicking on the keyboard icon on the menu bar) and then pressing a key on the keyboard or clicking in the Keyboard window
- Clicking in Tablet PC control for map navigation and map-scale
- “2D map” menu added for all keyboard commands
- Spelling errors in menus corrected
- Keyboard window has standard “WindMaster 3” assignment of keys. (The prototype had a different assignment)
- All tabs except navigation tab removed from Tablet PC control since they are found in menus. The control is also made smaller
- Error in Tablet PC control for locking corrected
There are some remaining issues.
- Remember “Tablet PC control” location on screen
- Switch off “balloon track”
- Sending with Kenwood 710
by Ulf Ekstedt
29. July 2010 19:36
WindMaster 4.9.2 with the following features and error corrections:
- Correction run-time error when region directory has been removed when WindMaster is running
- Menu Item "Show maps' coverage" is now only a single check item
- Margin of some maps are shown in white instead of black
- Fixing run-time error related to not detecting or removing checksum in NMEA messages
- Cross-distances are now always given as "R" (right), "L" (left) and "Straight on" instead of positive or negative signs
- Correcting fault when reseting waypoint shortcuts
- Fixing dead-lock problem of USB GPS when packets with faulty lengths are sent from, GPS
- Remember setting of "Show as GND altitude"
by Ulf Ekstedt
13. July 2010 07:37
WindMaster 4.9.1 with the following features and error corrections:
- A demo of the Keyboard form. It shall be used as help and as Tablet input. It is accessed with the space-bar key or with the menu item in the menu bar. Note that it have a propsal of new key assignment that is not connected to the standard WindMaster
- Fixing run-time error when coding sending waypoint positions to some NMEA GPSes
- Correcting fault with rotating symbols in map window
- Correcting 180 deg when roll is 0 deg for Pibal reader
- Fixing run-time error when validating empty CallSigns
- Correcting run-time error in tablet tool bar
- Fixing problem with not reseting winds above or below
by Ulf Ekstedt
14. June 2010 23:34
WindMaster 4.8.2 with the following features and error corrections:
- "Map walk through" also works for maps made with tiles
- "Map walk through" only shows a medium scale instead of maximum and minimum
- Name of Tile maps is displayed
- First outline of Quick help (found in help menu)
- Dem map uses ground level in middle of displayed area when no balloon position exists
- Target sub-window has now color for highlighting drop time and cross-distance
- Several performance improvements
by Ulf Ekstedt
30. May 2010 22:25
WindMaster 4.8.1 with the following features and error corrections:
- Correcting fault faulty coverage points for maps that are defined in other coordinate system as displayed
- Ctrl+f7 (Map walk through) now works