by Ulf Ekstedt
8. August 2011 19:59
WindMaster 4.11.5 with the following features and error corrections compared to 4.11.4:
- Adding unproto_path to packet radio "WIDE2-2" and "WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2". "WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2" is proposed to be used in Denmark by balloons.
- Remove xmlsn attribute from converted track files
- Enable correct naming and directory structure when file name has been changed during downloading e.g. "Denmark%2C DM %26 SM 2011.wrz" shall be "Denmark, DM & SM 2011.wrz"
- Library for unpacking wrz files has been updated
WindMaster 4.12.0 and WindMaster 4.12.1 have been revoked due to problems in .NET Framework 4.0